Monday, November 25, 2019


Cheer Balances
Traci reached out to everyone with an outstanding balance.  If those balances are not paid or you are not on a payment plan, you will be placed on the fines list and will not be able to take your finals.  Please get with Traci if we need to have some further discussions.

This Week

Tuesday ~ Girls and Boys Varsity Basketball (Silver) - Call Time 4:30 pm.  Meet in the great hall. Wear your navy uniform with underliner, crew socks, navy bow, hair half up from the ears.   

Next Week

Tuesday ~ Practice in the Dance Studio from 6- 8 pm.  Meet in the great hall. Wear your navy shirt with the gray shorts. 

Wednesday ~ Practice in the Dance Studio from 6- 8 pm.  Meet in the great hall. Wear your gray shirt with the navy shorts.

Winter Schedule through Basketball Season*
*Schedule is tentative and subject to change

Monday, November 18, 2019


Winter Calendar
The Winter schedule has been posted on the blog.  Silver will be the gray events and Navy will be the blue events.  Your teams are different than the teams you had for football season as we are only dividing into 2 teams. It is critical that you come to the games you have been assigned so that we can continue to split games. The calendar shows in Italics what halftime will be worked on that practice.  Since the schedule is irregular with home and away games, there are times we are working on a halftime, three weeks before the game.  

Silver - Belle, Bryana, Emily F, Fernanda, Grace, Illene, Jasmine, Karla, Karolanne, Karolyna, Mallalai, Mark, Sam, Shayne, Vanessa, Zaira

Navy - Bri, Cami, Carlie, Dana, Ellie, Emily O, Jason, Kaymin, Kyra, Lauren, Lexi, Mallory, Maraysia, Marissa, Melissa, Morgan, Nina, Tori

This Week

Tuesday ~ Practice in the Aux Gym from 7-9 pm. Wear your navy shirt with the gray shorts. 

Wednesday ~ Practice in the Aux Gym from 7-9 pm. Wear your gray shirt with the navy shorts. 

Winter Schedule through Basketball Season*
*Schedule is tentative and subject to change

Tuesday, November 5, 2019


Winter Calendar
The Winter schedule has been posted on the blog.  I will post teams for the Winter sports once we know who is participating in other winter activities.  Silver will be the gray events and Navy will be the blue events.  Your teams will be different than the teams you had for football season as we are only dividing into 2 teams. 

No practice or games for the next couple weeks. Enjoy your time off and we will start practice again on November 19th. 

Winter Schedule through Basketball Season*
*Schedule is tentative and subject to change