Thursday, November 29, 2012

Mid Year Evaluations:

Mid year Evals are finally here:
Please sign up for a time by texting Coach Anne.  If you do not sign up for a time you will be assigned one and you can not miss it or it will be considered an unexcused absence.
 If I happened to miss you, please text me.

Tues. Dec. 4th:
7:10 a.m.-Caitlin K.
7:20 a.m.-Jessica
Please sign up for a time you won't be tumbling (ex. if you tumble from 5-6 sign up after)
6:00-Brooke Z
6:40-Brooke R.

Thurs. Dec. 6th:
7:00 a.m.-Isabelle
7:10 a.m.-Whit
7:20 a.m.-Makaelee

Tues. Dec. 11th:
5:00 p.m.-Kate
5:30-Sierra M.
5:50- Amanda
7:00-Ciera P

Monday, November 26, 2012

Service Hours

Please update your hours asap and see how you are coming on your 100 Hours per cheerleader quota.
Here is what you do in order to submit hours:
1. website
2. Click on the Faith tap
3. Click on Service
4. Print off and fill out the Latest Service Form (PDF) or the attached picture of the form
5. Click on Login
6. Type in Name and Password
7. Click on volunteer Hours
8. Submit Information: Date, Organization, Contact Name, Contact Number, Activity Summary explanation and Number of Hours
9. Turn in the Service form Verification with Signatures to Ms. Garcia or Student Services. (If you need a organization signed off ask Ms. Lynelle Williams)
Please talk to Lexi Ulmer to make sure you remember all of the service projects we get credit for and to ask about working for more service hours.
Brooke Rude also can send you an e mail with the form if you need it.
Keep working girls, you will get there!!!

Week 11/27-12/1

Basketball season is here!!!

Tues. 11/27
Practice 6:05-7:25 a.m.  (Please bring any money due on your account- Statements were sent home via email and paper copies last week)
Beginning 5 p.m.  (Only for those who can not throw a handspring by themself)
Intermediate 6 p.m. (For those who have handsprings but do not have tucks by themselves)
Advanced 7 p.m. (tucks and up)
EVERYONE (including those on comp team) must attend one of the above tumbling classes to avoid an unexcused absence. Int & Advanced will be working on the hard wood floor.  (Coach Anne will re assess after the next few basketball games)
Bring your accounts current or you will need to sit out and will receive an unexcused absence (if over 2 weeks behind)

Wed. 11/28
Hip Hop practice 1:45-3:00 p.m. Do not be late or you will condition on Thurs. morning

Thurs. 11/29
6:30-7:25 a.m. Comp. practice for all stunts
Extra Conditioning Practice for Tardies, Lates, Etc. 6:30-7:20 a.m. with the swim team

Fri. 11/30
Jr. Varsity squad- Girls Varsity basketball v. Canyon View at JD 7 p.m.  (You will receive a text from Emily lettting you know what time to be there and the details.)

Sat. 12/1
Comp team practice 8-11 a.m.  Cost is $10 which covers the gym fees and the mandatory tumbling class fees.  PLEASE make sure you are current on these fees.
Sophomore squad- Boys JV Basketball v Tooele 3:15 p.m. (Note time change) (Your captain will text you with details)
Varsity squad- Boys Varsity Basketball v. Tooele 5 p.m. (Note time change)
Skirt, shell (no underliners unless bra straps are showing) Hair in poof w high pony, teal bow. Tall socks.  READY time is 4 p.m. (if you are late or not COMPLETELY ready to practice at 4 then you will condition next week.) If you would like to dress at the school please arrive by 3:30.

Sunday 12/2
Optional Football Banquet.  Coach John Colosimo is always very gracious in inviting us to attend their football banquet each year.  It is at 5 p.m. in the Commons. Cost is $15.00 per person. You MUST submit your payment (payable to JDCHS) by Wed. afternoon. Brooke Rude will be collecting the money and letting Coach Colosimo know how many we have coming.


Monday, November 12, 2012

Nov. 13th- 20th

Tuesday 13th:
6:05- 7:25 a.m.- All team practice (prepare for basketball)  Bring your color copies of your new calendar in your binder.  Please make sure your parents have a color copy as well. Calendars will be emailed on Monday. (If you do not bring it exactly as stated above, you will condition on Thurs.)
(Coach Anne will bring the coaches calendars!)
5:00 p.m.- 6:00 p.m.-Beginning tumbling AND Intermediate tumbling - This is a change!!!
Wednesday 14th:
1:45-3:00 p.m.  Hip Hop team practice  (Aux. Gym)
6:30 p.m. Kara's Baby Shower at Anne's (Invitations went home last Friday)

Thursday 15th:
6:30 a.m. Optional Extra Conditioning w/ swim team. (Comp team really should attend this to help with strengthening and stamina for routine)  Any girls who had tardies, lates, etc. to work off will need to attend. You will receive a text from your coach if this applies to you.

Saturday 16th:
Comp. team practice 8-11 a.m. Tumbling will be the last hour.  Bring $10 and any back owed money!
Varsity performance: A night of.. fundraiser at JD.  Details will be updated as soon as I receive them.
Please keep your night open until we find out times.

No more Sunday practices- YAY! :)

Tuesday 20th:
6:05 -7:25 a.m.- All team practice for basketball.
5:00 p.m.- Beginning Tumbling
6:00 p.m.- Intermediate Tumbling
7:00 p.m.- Advanced Tumbling
MANDATORY TUMBLING FOR EVERYONE!!!! Everyone must attend one of the above classes to work on tumlbing on the hardwood floor (to prepare for basketball).  Outside tumbling classes will NOT count this week and if Comp tumbling will not count either. (If you are on comp team you WILL attend both comp tumbling and one of the above classes) Unexcused Absences WILL be given for those not attending.

Wednesday 21st:
2nd quarter Mid Term- 12:30 dismissal
NO cheer until after the break

Next cheer practice will be Nov. 27th

Monday, November 5, 2012

Nov. 6th-Nov.11th

Tues. 6th:
All team practice 6:05 a.m. (Varsity will review cheers and prepare for Semi game. JV and Soph. will work on basketball cheers)
7:05 a.m. monthly birthday recognition breakfast in the cafeteria.  Plus, Cheerleader of the Month.
Beg. Tumbling 5:00 pm

Wed. 7th:
Hip Hop team practice 1:30-3:00 p.m. (we will be practicing so the team can perform at friends and family night) You will also receive your Nationals papers.  Please check the comp blog for other info.

Thurs. 8th:
NO REG. PRACTICE- Girls who owe conditioning for tardies, etc will be required to attend conditioning with the swim team from7-7:30 in the Aux. gym.  (those with more then 1 or with lates will need to arrive at 6:30) Those who are required to go will be receiving texts.
This is also our OPTIONAL extra conditioning for those girls who would like to get an extra work out. This would help those on hip hop and comp team with building stamina and for any girl wishing to just work out for cheer or other purposes.  Conditioning practice will start at 6:30 a.m. for those interested. (PLEASE represent the cheerleaders well and be respectful and work hard) John Moran has graciously offered to let us join his swim team. Please tell him thankyou!

Fri. 9th:
Semi Final Playoff game at Rice Eccles Stadium 6:30 p.m.  JD vs. Dixie
Varsity Squad- Bus will leave at 5 p.m.  Full uniform with underliner, tall socks. You will need your white sweatshirts, warm up pants and jackets, headbands, scarves and gloves.  I suggest you bring hand warmers, it may snow!!! Hair will be worn down like last week with your bangs in a braid of poof- MUST be out of face.
Wear your uniform with underliner, pants under your skirt and jackets on the bus. If it is already really cold, you will wear your sweatshirts up.
You must be at the school and ready by 4:50 p.m. Your PARENTS will need to drive you up if you are late.
JV and Soph. squads should join us. They will  come up to the game on the bus and help cheer from the bleachers like home games. Please wear your white sweatshirts, travel jackets, pants and gloves.  You may bring blankets and heavy jackets in case you need them.
ANY issues will result in a morning of hard conditioning next Thursday and you will not be invited to cheer/ participate with us next week (regardless of what squad you are on). 
EVERYONE should realize this is a privilege and should act in a manner that exemplifies our team and school.

Sat. 10th:
Comp. Tumbling 10-11 a.m. BRING YOUR BALANCES CURRENT!
Stunt and Hip Hop team Fundraiser: Friends and Family Night at JD 6 p.m.
Cost is $10.  Please check the comp blog for details.

Sun. 11th:
CHANGE- We WILL have comp practice this week from 2-4 p.m.  After looking at our calendar, we will only have 3 practices left (including this one) until we have to compete in Dec. So we definitely NEED this practice.  We will keep practices on Sunday until after the Thanksgiving break. (We will NOT practice over the Thanksgiving break)

Comp blog-

New Cheer Calendars will be sent via email to all the parents on Thurs.  please print 2 color copies so that both the parent and cheerleader can have one.  Cheerleaders will need to bring their binder with their color calendar to practice next Tues. morning (or you will be required to attend a conditioning practice)