Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Large Bags

If you ordered a large bag, the replacements are finally here. Let Coach Anne know when you would like to drop off your damaged bag and pick up your new one. (You will need to bring your bag up to the house to get your new one since they all need to be sent back.)

Monday, September 24, 2012

Homecoming Week- TONS of Info. PLEASE read all

6:05 a.m. Practice for homecoming halftime and game
7:00 a.m. Seniors only Leadership meeting / Conditioning for tardies and other
5:00 p.m. Beginning Tumbling (if you do not have any kind of handspring please attend this class)
6:00 p.m. Intermediate Tumbling (if you are have any kind of handspring but do not have both a standing and running tuck. Please attend this Tumbling class.) $6

6:15 a.m. ALL Varsity and Alumni Pre-game practice
1:30 p.m. Varsity practice and spacing on field for halftime practice with Drill and Silverline.
7:00 p.m. Hip Hop tryouts for all interested in the competition Hip Hop Team.  Place TBD

6:05 a.m. Practice for Homecoming Pep Rally, (JV & Soph. for Homecoming tailgating performance)
and All Review for Game.
Hip Hop team announced on by 3pm
4:00 p.m. Sophomore Squad- Football game at JD vs. Stansbury
6:30 p.m. JV Squad- Volleyball game at JD vs.Wasatch

Varsity check out at 12:15  JV and Soph check out at 12:30
Game Day Ready All squads- Bring Poms. (Only Varsity will be performing but JV and Soph. still need to be in full uniform) 
Varsity in gym by 12:45 for practice. JV and Soph. by 1:05
3:30-4:00: Dress at the school. Varsity will need to get ready in our own locker room. Bring Mirrors.
JV and Soph. use main bathrooms or girls locker room. (Dance Co. and Drill will have the Dance Studio and the dressing rooms to get ready.)
Bring a small snack if you need it.
4:00: All squads IN dance studio READY to go. (If you walk in with jewelry it will be taken) (Please don't waste all of our time by not being ready, wearing jewelry, not having hair done, being late, etc.
or you will be running laps before the game) Check  your laminated list for what should be in your bag and pack accordingly, If you are missing something you will NOT cheer.
Split up and practice for game day, performances, stunts, etc.
JV and Sophomore squads will perform on stage for tailgaiting- I will update you when I get the times.
4:30: Alumni and Varsity practice for pre game
5:00: Practice for Halftime with Drill and Silverline./ Alumni eat at CHEER tailgating (Bonding Activity) 
5:15: JV and Sophomore eat at CHEER tailgating (Don't forget your $2.50 in order to eat) Bonding Activity
5:30: Varsity join CHEER tailgating and eat (Don't forget your $2.50 in order to eat) Bonding Activity
6:30: Varsity to field for warm ups
6:45: All cheerleaders to field for pre game show.
(Cheerleaders may get their faces painted during the tailgating but can only go 3 at a time. You need to be with the cheerleaders for the bonding activity, not boyfriends etc. Parents are encouraged to attend tailgating)
Sophomore and Alumni will cheer by Parent section the 1st half and JV will cheer by parent section the 2nd half.  Varsity will remain in front of student section during this  entire game. (JV in stands first half and Sophomore in stands 2nd half)
CHRIS LONG personally asked for the Alumni to cheer at the game as well as do the pre game performance so please be suppportive and encourage the Alumni.

No Advanced Tumbling- This week's class is cancelled due to service project
8:30 a.m. MANDATORY service project for ALL squads.
Distance for Destiny Run at JD benefiting the Utah's Homeless Youth Resource Center.
Please encourage your parents/friends etc. to run in the race. Cheerleaders will be there to cheer on the runners and help however they are needed. (Cheerleaders MAY run the race if they wish). Please be professional and represent our school well the enitre time you are there.  This will count for your service hours.
For Details or if you have more questions please contact your head cheerleader: Brooke Rude or our Service Project Mom- Monica Ulmer.

Comp. practice 2-4 p.m.  All team needs to attend anyone not attending will receive an unexcused absence (including boys) 4 unexcused absences will result in being excused from team.
Don't forget your $5 for gym use and the money for your uniforms is DUE today.
I have 3 used uniforms for sale. Please text me (Coach Anne) if you would like to try one on and I will bring them to this practice.

*We will be starting our Birthday celebration/appreciation that has been set up by your team mom's on Oct. 2nd right after practice. It will be a pancake breakfast in the commons. More info was emailed to squad moms and details will be posted later.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Cheer Pics

Cheer Pics are (finally) officially up on the site.
Please go to  Event: jd cheer  Month: August   Date:24   Year: 2012
the password is jd cheer.
Our photographer (Tara) is finally doing much better after her car accident. She apologizes for the long delay and said she will get our orders out to us super fast.
(She also is offering a free sitting at her studio in Park City or at a site in Park City if you want to do Senior pics, Family Pics, Christmas card pictures, studio cheer pics, etc. for each family who ordered a package to help make up for the long delay. No obligation to purchase with the free sitting.)

DO NOT ORDER FROM THE SITE! It costs more and will not go directly to her!

Please log on and pick your head shot and which pictures you would like for any purchased packages.
You can e mail her at or call her at 435-962-1919 with the numbers of your preferred pictures. (Pictures will all be professionally touched up before printing) The pictures will be up on the site for 9 days. You need to let her know during this time or the poses will be picked for you so we can get our order in and processed in time for our display case in October.
You can also add or purchase pictures by contacting her directly.

If you wish to purchase a package and could not make it the day of pictures please call her and set something up with her ASAP.  There will be a sitting fee of $50 that will be waived if you purchase a package over $100.

Homecoming Alumni Performance

If you know any cheer Alumni please call them and remind them about our Homecoming Cheer Alumni Events.
Any cheerleader who cheered at least one year at JD and has graduated is invited.
The following are the options for the cheerleaders:
Alumni BBQ (parents of the Alumni are welcome to come hang out as well)
Pre game performance with the current year's cheerleaders.
Cheer during the first half of the Homecoming game with the current cheer leaders.
(Alum Cheerleaders are welcome to participate in any or all of the above, they do not HAVE to do all 3)
They can wear their previous uniforms from JD or text me and I will have Alulmni Cheerleaders Tshirts for them to wear and keep. (They should bring their old poms if they still have them)

Please encourage them to come, it will be great to see them and will hopefully be the start of a new cheer tradition at JD.


Normal Practice
Tumbling 5-6 pm

No practices
Mandatory Comp team meeting: PLEASE see comp blog. 6 pm @ JDCHS

Normal Practice 6:05-7:05
Leadership meeting 7:05-7:25
JV game 4 pm
Soph squad game 6 pm (Freshman boys football)

Varsity away @ Union  Board bus @ 2:25  Check out @ 1:45 
hair- any type of braid (out of face and must be neat) Wear shell and travel pants on bus. (jacket optional but must bring it) Make sure you have all your bows, socks and underliner.

Advanced Tumbling at Xtreme 10-11 Bring your $10 for comp. $5 for Tumbling only. Comp team please pay your $10 on Saturdays.
Bonding Activity TBD (individual squad bonding)

Comp. practice 2-4

Hip Hop team tryouts WILL be next Wednesday but the time will be at 7 pm. Please plan accordingly and make sure you practice. WE will be looking for girls who really give it their all. Every movements really counts, we want to see the girls who make every movement count and all out.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Week 9/11-9/17

11th Tuesday:
Practice 6:05- 7:10 a.m. (We will start learning the hip hop dance)
Leadership meeting 7:10-7:25 a.m.
Tumbling class 5-6 p.m.

12th Wednesday:
Extra dance practice 6:30-7:20 a.m. Learn- Run the World Dance and Ali's Dance.
No Hip Hop Dance practice today.

13th Thursday:
Practice 6:05- 7:20 a.m. (Hip Hop routine and game day prep)
JV game Granger @ JD 3:30 p.m. 
Change- Sophomore will be covering the home volleyball game against Judge @ 6 p.m.

14th Friday:
JD away @ Granger  Board bus @ 5:25 pm.  Hair high pony w braid. Silver bow. Bring your underliner and travel gear.

15th Saturday:
Advanced Tumbling 10-11 a.m. Xtreme ($5 for tumbling only, $10 for Comp team members- this covers your Sunday gym time)

16th Sunday:
See comp blog  No Comp meeting this week.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Varsity game day

You will need to wear your uniform as usual for the game. You will also be wearing your tall socks!
Hair completely out of face, neat and tons of hairspray! It's the 80's! I will have smallish silver poms for your hair instead of a bow. Hair can be in one or two ponytails. It can be in a half up but only if ALL hair in front of your ears is pulled back and is in a ponytail on TOP of your head (it can be worn to one side but it has to be on top). 
Makeup: Bright Pink lipstick or a Light Purple. (not Red) Lots of Blue eye shadow.
I will have face tattoos.
Please Crimp your hair! If you do not have a crimper find someone who does and come early to have time to get it done.
(If Coach Anne doesn't like your hair she will re-do it!!!)
We need to go all out in order to really make it look good.

Dress time is 4:00 PM- Everyone needs to be there by 4:05 so we have pletny of time to make sure everyone is 80's ready. 
We will have Jimmy Johns sandwiches and chips. Don't forget to bring your $5 tomorrow morning and write down what you want with your name on a piece of paper.  
5:00- Practice
6:00- Last minute fixes and then head out to field.
Stunting and Tumbling warm ups on field.

Wearing Jerseys on Game Days!

Dr. Colosimo has said that he would like the athletes to wear their Jerseys on their game days, So...
Soph and JV squad will wear their Jerseys tomorrow (Thurs.) and Varsity will wear them on Friday.

VERY IMPORTANT: You MUST wear a white tank under your jersey. NO bra straps showing and tanks must cover "everything" so that Mr. McFall doesn't get upset about them being a little see through.  We WILL lose this privilege if he does not think they are modest enough!

You may wear your JD cheer clinic T shirts instead if you wish!  Soph and JV squads will receive theirs tomorrow morning at practice.

JV game info

JV Game 9/6 @ Skyline
Checkout at 1:15, board the bus at 1:35, game starts at 3:30
Wear your hair in a high ponytail with a poof. Wear your low socks. Because we will be on the bus with the boys you have to be wearing your pants, but you can wear your jersey or mini cheer clinic shirt instead of your jacket. EVERYONE needs to remember to bring your own water! Every week we've had girls get dehydrated because they were counting on someone else to do it, and last week a lot of you had to sit down because of the heat. Don't just bring one bottle, you need more than that! Girls who are signed up for snacks and meals please make sure you bring those. Mrs. Lester will be riding the bus with us. Text Coach Kara or Anna with any questions.

Monday, September 3, 2012


9/4 Tuesday :
Practice: 6:05-7:20 a.m.  (Bring your sweats orders and money) Last chance for Parent Items- the order will go in today.
Beg. & Int. Tumbling Class 5-6 pm  Please note time change: Zak will be doing our classes and due to scheduling conflicts he will need to do the class from 5-6.(IF you are more then 2 weeks behind in paying you will sit out and receive an unexcused. We need to pay our tumbling coaches.)

9/5 Wednesday:
CHANGE: Extra Varisty practice for 80's night.  6:30-7:20 a.m.
Tardies and Varsity conditiong will be moved to Thurs. after practice from 7:15-7:30

9/6 Thursday:
Practice 6:05-7:15 a.m.  Extra conditioning from 7:15-7:30 for Varsity and for tardies etc.
CHANGE:Leadership meeting cancelled.  We will do it next Tuesday morning from 7:10-7:20
JV game away @ Skyline. 3:30 game.  Coach Kara will send details.
Soph. game @ JD 3:30 game.  You will be expected to be ready and on the field at 3:15. Please make sure you hurry to get ready, you will not check out early.  Coaches will give other details.

9/7 Friday:
Varsity game at home 7:00 p.m.  Retro 80's night. 
Details will be posted later this week.

9/8 Saturday:
Advanced Tumbling 10-11 at Xtreme $5.
Service Hours Opportunity at the U of U Be Well Fair. 9 a.m.-1:30 p.m. (you are welcome to do this instead of tumbling class this day but you need to let Anne know by Thurs.) If you have any questions about this Fair or the Service Hours please contact Monica Ulmer. She will be our Parent coordinator for all Service Projects this year.

Please see Comp. Blog for Comp. practice schedule and other info.

9/9 Sunday:
Fall 4 All Appearance all squads @ SJB in the grotto.
Game day ready. Details will be given by coaches. 

Soph. 1:20 perform
JV 1:25 perform
Varsity 1:30 perform

All squads will need to arrive "READY" by 1:00 for practice.

Comp. 2-4